Is Your Child Happy At School?: Counting Down The Years


Does Your Child Hate School?

Statements like “I hate school,” “School is prison,” or “My favorite class is lunch” are so common we sometimes stop hearing them. But why should it be that way? Most kids love to learn. Most kids want to be around other kids. So why do they hate school?

We think most schools have learning all wrong, which is why we do it completely differently. We hear from many families that school feels like something they just have to suffer through--8 years left, 7 years left, 6 years left. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. School can look like the rest of life: good days and bad days, joys and struggles, but ultimately interesting. At Tallgrass, students control their own time. They have a full voice in how their school works. And they spend their time on real problems: making friends, getting bored, resolving conflict, and figuring out what they want out of life. 

Make this the last year of counting down the days. Real Life. Real Learning. Contact us to learn more, or download our e-book, "Is Self-Directed Education Right for Your Child?”