School Refusal Doesn't Mean There's Something Wrong with Your Child


Stomachaches. Nightmares. Anxiety. Depression. This is what many kids experience when they think about going back to school, or even on a typical weekday morning.

Not at Tallgrass. At Tallgrass, we build school around our students’ needs. The result?

  • “Why do we have to have summer break? Can we go to school year-round?”

  • “I was so sad when school was closed.”

  • “No, I don’t want to have a snow day!” (P.S. At our school, you can go sledding in the middle of the day.)

Our students don’t hate their school. They love it--and not (just) because the adults here are so awesome. Tallgrass is their school. Here, they have a voice. If they don’t like what’s happening at school, they can try to change it--either informally, through talking to their friends or starting a new activity, or formally, by making a motion to change the rules, joining a committee, or running for a leadership position. The adults contribute by not trying to control them and by supporting their choices. We treat them as full human beings with a right to live life as they see fit.

Most children love to learn and want to be around other children. They like getting out of the house and doing new and interesting things. If your child regularly avoids going to school, is faking sick, or has significant school anxiety, it might be time to consider something different--education that’s based in the real world. 

Tallgrass offers an authentic K-12 learning experience focused on freedom, community, and students’ passions. Contact us to learn more, or download our e-book, "Is Self-Directed Education Right for Your Child?”