Scholarship Announcement


The current moment has many of us reevaluating our lives, including how we approach education. Tallgrass Sudbury School is pleased to announce that we are offering three full-tuition scholarships, each for 4 years of tuition-free enrollment at Tallgrass, starting in fall 2021. 

We know that the past year has increased financial pressures on many families, and we are more committed than ever to making our school accessible to people across the economic spectrum. We hope that these scholarships will bring our school within reach to students who might not otherwise be able to consider Tallgrass.

Tallgrass Sudbury School offers an authentic K-12 learning experience focused on freedom, responsibility, and students’ passions. At Tallgrass, students direct their own learning while contributing to a strong, democratically run community. 

A Tallgrass parent said this about what she wanted for her daughter: “I want her to know herself and her interests, what drives her, what makes her glow. I want her to know those things and to have time to get to know that as opposed to me telling her what she should do or someone else. [After being at Tallgrass] She’s not afraid of expressing her true self.”

To apply, prospective applicants must complete an initial call with our admissions director and an enrollment interview by May 15, via phone or video conference. Applicants do not need to submit financial aid applications, but should announce their intent to apply for the scholarship during the enrollment interview. Scholarship recipients will be notified by June 1. The scholarship is open to students 4 through 18 who are not already enrolled at Tallgrass. Only one scholarship per family will be awarded.

To apply or get more information about the scholarship program or our school, please contact us at